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Terms of Use


Nothing on the Website constitutes or shall be taken to constitute advice or a representation on which you may rely.

Any person using or viewing the Website does so at its own risk. Legal advice specific to your circumstances should be obtained from us before acting upon or relying on any part of the Website. You assume all responsibility in respect of the information provided by you to us.


Carrick Gill Smyth attempts to ensure that the information on the Website is accurate. However, we give no warranty or representation express or implied that the information on the Website is correct or may be relied on. To the maximum extent permitted by law, we exclude all Liabilities however caused (including by our negligence) that may arise directly or indirectly from the use of or reliance upon information on the Website. To the extent that any warranty may not be lawfully excluded, we limit our liability to the supply of the relevant information again or the cost of having the information supplied again.

The information provided on this website is of a general nature.  Before you decide to retain us we will provide you with a client agreement and costs disclosure statement for your consideration.

The Internet is not a secure medium. Communications that are intended to be sent to or received from the Website may not in fact be sent or received. Communications may also be altered or intercepted without our knowledge or consent. We make no warranty or representation that any such communications will be effective or secure or will not be altered.

We also give no warranty express or implied that the Website or any part of it is free from viruses or other harmful code. It is your responsibility to check for viruses or other harmful components before using any part of the Website.

You must not create or maintain a link from the Website to any other website without our consent.


The use of the Website shall be governed by the law applying in Victoria, Australia.


The copyright in the Website is owned or licensed by Carrick Gill Smyth and we reserve all our rights in such copyright. No part of the Website may be reproduced, copied or stored without our permission except for the following:

  • you may print a single copy of any part of the Website for your personal use; 
  • you may make a temporary copy of part of the Website on your computer for the purpose of viewing it; and 
  • you may use the Website in any manner permitted by statute. 

We own the trademark Carrick Gill Smyth and reserve all rights in relation to it.


You are not required to disclose your identity or any information about yourself when using the Website. We do not collect personal information about persons using our Website. We may record details about any computer used to access the Website. Any information supplied to us is treated in accordance with our Privacy Policy.


In this document, unless the context otherwise requires:

  • a reference to a gender includes all genders and the singular includes the plural; 
  • "Carrick Gill Smyth", "Our", "We" or "Us" means Carrick Gill Smyth Pty Ltd ACN 600 269 707 and its employees and authorised agents from time to time; 
  • "Liabilities" means any loss, damage, cost, expense or claim however caused and including those which are prospective or contingent and those the amount of which is not ascertained or ascertainable; 
  • "Website" means all or any of the web pages located at http://www.ckslegal.com.au 
  • "You" or "your" means the person using the Website.